That`s where it gets ugly. We can easily override the default EULA license by replacing the WixUILicenseRtf WiX variable as follows: where License.rtf is the name of your custom EULA license file. The disadvantage of this method is that you can only have one license file, which means that no localization is required for this. That is why we need to make a workaround. The license is checked in a dialog box named LicenseAgreementDialog. What we need to do is replace this dialog box and include the localization feature. You can customize some visual aspects of the user interface by simply providing replacement files. The default bitmaps are in the toolset, but you can create your own replacement bitmaps, icons, and license text in them. You can also replace the selected files, not all of them.
Your paths are stored in variables that you can specify either from the command line or directly in the source code: the WixUI dialog library contains standard bitmaps for the background of the home and end dialog boxes and the top banner of the other dialog boxes. You can replace these bitmaps with your own for product branding purposes. To override the default bitmaps, specify the values of the WiX variables with the file names of your bitmaps, as you would when replacing the default license text. There is a known issue with the rich text control used to display the license file text, which can cause the text to appear blank until the user scrolls down in the control. This is usually due to complex RTF content (for example. B the RTF generated when you save an RTF file in Microsoft Word). If this behavior occurs in the Setup user interface, in most cases, it is resolved by one of the following workarounds: The default dialog boxes have a dialog box that displays an End User License Agreement (EULA). To specify your product license, add a License.rtf file to the current directory when you run light. If such a file does not exist, light uses the License.rtf file in the Ui directory. Look at the control with the ID “LicenseText” and read the comments. We have the original license text source in “$(var. ProjectDir)! (years.
LicenseRtf)”. Var. ProjectDir is the directory of the project file. That! (years. LicenseRtf) is where magic I found another option – but not able to fit into your [WixSetup] template. Can you please help me here? WixUIExtension.dll includes a standard placeholder license agreement. To specify your product`s license, override the default setting by specifying a WiX variable named WixUILicenseRtf with the value of an RTF file containing your license text. You can set the variable in your WiX creation: the last step is to insert the licenseAgreementDialogOverwritten extended license dialog box into the installer GUI string. So, of course, this is done under the node.
Here is the final structure of the project after running the MakeInstaller script.bat: Below are the definitions of some variables I need to build my MSI package. As you can see in the file, we can use location variables in other variables, as we do for the SuperFormNewerVersionInstalled string. ProductKeyCheckDialog* strings are designed to locate a custom product key validation dialog box, which we`ll look at in the next article.