In accordance with paragraph 10(1) of the Act, the Contracting Parties may conclude an agreement on the terms and conditions of employment of the persons referred to in Subsection 5(1) or (2) of the Act. (c) For the purposes of retirement, a medical board shall be appointed in the absence of mutual agreement on the permanent disability of a worker. The Board of Directors is composed of a physician appointed by the Institute (1), a physician appointed by the employer and one (1) physician chosen by the two physicians so appointed and chaired. The board of directors thus constituted decides whether or not a worker is permanently disabled and its decision is final and binds the parties. The costs of this committee shall be paid in the same manner as if it were an Adjudication Board. If a worker`s permanent disability has been determined under the Health, Safety and Compensation Act or the Canada Pension Act, a board of directors of physicians is not required under this section. 15.01 A personnel file of a staff member shall be made available to the employee at a reasonable time, established by mutual agreement between the employee and his or her immediate supervisor. 3 (1) Subject to Division 2, the BCCCA and the Government may amend the Crown Counsel Agreement by mutual agreement. 12.10 All time limits referred to in this section may be extended by mutual written consent between the Institute or its representative and the employer or its delegate. (c) In such cases, the lawyer shall be appointed by the Deputy Prosecutor General. Absence on sick leave of less than half a day (1/2) can be deducted as a quarter (1/4) day if the actual absence is closer to a quarter (1/4) day than half a day (1/2). . .